

We use images as part of our blog posts, and images we are authorized to use include the following:

Images provided to us by photographers, models, or artists, with the implied representation that the person submitting the image owns the copyright in the image or has the right to provide it to us for use on our website.

Some images on this website are generated using artificial intelligence (AI) technology. These AI-generated images are part of our content and do not depict real people. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or deceased, is purely coincidental and unintentional.

If we receive notice that an image has been published inappropriately, for example, because it does not comply with the above terms, we reserve the right to remove it.

If you believe that we have published an image or text that infringes your copyright, we will address your concerns; however, if the image falls into one of the above categories and we believe that our use of the image is lawful, we will not remove it from the site.